Teach at Dallas College: Alternative Certification Program (ACP)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​T​each at Dallas College ACP, formerly known as Mountain View ACP, is an approved alternate certification program and post-baccalaureate route to teacher certification in​ Texas.​​


At this time, Teach at Dallas College ACP is only accepting applications from candidates currently enrolled in the Dallas College Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and Teaching program. Past graduates of the program are also eligible to apply. If you are not currently enrolled in the Dallas College bachelor’s degree program and are interested in learning more, please contact TeachatDallasCollegeACP@DallasCollege.edu​.


During the 2024-2025​ academic year, Teach at Dallas College ACP will accept students in the program who are pursuing certification in:

  • Core Subjects With STR (Grades EC-6)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (Grades NA)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental-Spanish (Grades NA)
  • Special Education (Grades EC-12)

You can view the complete list Teach at Dallas College ACT is approved by TEA to certify candidates on the Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) in Texas Map webpage.


The mission within Dallas College School of Education is to equip future educators so all children can thrive. We work collaboratively to prepare future educators to be classroom-ready on day one. We are dedicated to creating an accessible higher education environment, addressing community needs and helping all children achieve equitable success.

Teach at Dallas College ACP delivers high-quality educator preparation using a teacher internship model based on exploration, hands-on experiences and inquiry-based practices. Program coursework is student-focused and aligned to The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, English language proficiency standards, Pre-K Guidelines, where applicable, and to the Texas educator standards. Specifically, Teach at Dallas College ACP carefully addresses reading instruction in language and literacy courses and instruction in the educators’ code of ethics, mental health, substance abuse and youth suicide, and dyslexia. Digital learning, including a digital literacy evaluation, is addressed in educational technology coursework. Candidates have ongoing, supported opportunities to use the skills being developed, with corresponding benchmarks in growth required and tracked through performance-based assessments in each course. Relevant and aligned internship experiences correspond with each phase to ensure opportunities for practice throughout the program.


Approved EPPs annually provide the Texas Education Agency and State Board for Educator Certification information about their programs as mandated in Texas Education Code Section 21.0452. This information is posted to assist individuals interested in obtaining a teaching certificate to select the EPP that best meets their needs. This information is also useful for school districts planning their staffing and recruitment activities.

Additional information on approved educator preparation programs including locations and types of certificate programs offered can be found on the Division of Educator Standards’ list of approved programs and the individual program websites. The Educator Preparation Programs Technology Curriculum webpage is a published list of EPP webpage links. This page serves as a resource for persons seeking information concerning activities offered by EPPs related to technology integration and/or technology curriculum and instruction.

View more consumer information about educator preparation programs in Texas.

Applicants apply for admission to the ACP when they have completed a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited institution of higher education (IHE)*.

At the time of application to the ACP, all applicants must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree earned from and conferred by an accredited IHE with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75*.
  • Completed at least 12 semester credit hours (SCH) in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought with no grade lower than a C and a GPA of 2.75 or greater, unless certification sought is for mathematics or science at or above Grade 7; or
  • 15 SCH in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought if the certification sought is for mathematics or science at or above Grade 7; or
  • A passing score on the appropriate content certification examination as specified in the figure provided in this subparagraph. Figure: 19 TAC §227.10(a)(4)(C). Note: this does not apply to a Dallas College bachelor’s student graduate who has a 2.75GPA.
  • Completed the coursework to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, mathematics, and communication. To demonstrate proficiency, the candidate must complete the following with a grade of C or better:
    • Reading - History 2300 and 2301, OR POLS 1301 and 2302
    • Writing - English 1301 and 1302
    • Mathematics - Mathematics 1314 (College Algebra) or equivalent course
    • Oral Communication - Communication 1300 or 2351
  • Met the requirements of the Basic Skills Requirements for the EPP. The TSI exam score will be the basis for admission consideration. University admission standards will be used.
  • Acknowledge and agree to the “Fitness to Teach” policy.
  • A signed background check affidavit.
  • Paid the Texas Education Agency (TEA) technology fee of $35. This fee is nonrefundable.

*Applicants who are in the final semester of their bachelor’s degree may be accepted on a contingency basis. Applicants must be on track to complete the bachelor’s degree at the end of the semester in which admission to the program is sought. All other admission requirements must be met.

In accordance with 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(A), TEA requires that each educator preparation program must implement specific criteria and procedures that allow:

(A) military service member or military veteran candidates to credit verified military service, training, or education toward the training, education, work experience or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, provided that the military service, training or education is directly related to the certificate being sought; and

(B) candidates who are not military service members or military veterans to substitute prior or ongoing service, training or education, provided that the experience, education or training is not also counted as a part of the internship, clinical teaching or practicum requirements; was provided by an approved preparation program or an accredited institution of higher education within the past five years; and is directly related to the certificate being sought.

Teacher candidates who meet one of these requirements should reach out to AskSOE@DallasCollege.edu. The School of Education administration will review the documents and communicate to teacher candidates if credit can be obtained.

Students have the right to seek redress of any grievance related to academic or nonacademic matters. Every effort should be made to resolve grievances informally between the candidate and the faculty member involved. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, students have recourse to the formal grievance procedures.

Candidates may file formal complaints by submitting the Dallas College grievance form (within 30 days of having knowledge of the complaint) to Maxient system. The dean of baccalaureate studies will create a case for the grievance within the first 15 workdays, reach out to all involved parties as part of the investigation, reach resolution after thorough research, and inform the candidate of a decision. If the grievance is not resolved with this process, the candidate may submit the grievance to the vice provost’s office. The vice provost’s office will schedule a hearing within 20 class days of receipt of all artifacts. Information regarding the grievance policy will be displayed on the EPP website and at the physical sites where candidates are prepared and will also be included in the candidate handbook.

The Texas Education Agency has jurisdiction to investigate violations of school law concerning educator preparation programs. Submit a complaint about an EPP for investigation and resolution at the complaints against EPPs if needed.


When To Apply

Applicants can apply in the final semester of their senior year. Applicants who have already earned a bachelor’s degree can apply at any time. For questions about application dates, contact the Teach a​t Dallas College ACP Office.

Apply to the Alternative Certification Program

Frequently Asked Questions

To complete the program, you must:

  • Work as a classroom teacher for the duration of the program.
  • Complete coursework aligned to T-TESS and the relevant certification exams.
  • Pass the required certification exams.
  • Engage in regular coaching and apply feedback from Dallas College faculty coaches.
  • Actively participate in monthly cohort meetings.
  • Engage in formal observation cycles that include a pre-conference, full lesson observation and a post-conference.

As a current Dallas College BAS ECE student, you will need to:

  • Score 80% or above on the 240Tutoring practice test for each content area on the EC-6 test and the Science of Teaching Reading.
  • Be on track to graduate with a 2.75 GPA.
  • Submit a completed application.
  • Provide a current resume.
  • Complete a scheduled interview with a Dallas College School of Education designee and receive an acceptable score.

The program is designed to be a one-year program.

When you successfully complete the program, you will be eligible to apply for certification through the Texas Education Agency.

Costs in the Teach at Dallas College ACP are among the most affordable. The cost of the program is $3,900 ($650 per course). Please contact TeachatDallasCollegeACP@DallasCollege.edu for details about scholarship opportunities.


Contact Information

We are here to help. For questions or support, please contact the Teach at Dallas College ACP staff at TeachatDallasCollegeACP@DallasCollege.edu

Wendy Farr, Ph.D.

  • Dean of Baccalaurreate Studies & Teach at Dallas College Lead Contact