Page Content Through Project Aspire, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) or a related learning or cognitive disorder can: Take classes to improve academic, computer literacy, career readiness and soft skills. Earn a Continuing Education Skills Award. Get access to a career skills development specialist for employment support. Gain support with transition into career training or credit programs. Cost The Project Aspire program is free to qualifying students. Eligibility To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria: 18-28 years old Finished high school with or without a diploma Acceptable documentation of an IDD diagnosis or related disorder (high school documentation is acceptable) Complete the Project Aspire Admissions Process Complete the Project Aspire Interest Form When completing the interest form, follow the next steps. Select the choice that says, "I may need assistance paying for courses and would like to see if I qualify for help (WorkReadyU)." Then select "Fast Track Career Planning and Continuing Education" for Program Interest. Finally, choose "Project Aspire (IDD)." Images of the Interest Form Get Started Today Course Information By attending specific courses, you’ll gain valuable career skills that will provide greater work opportunities, leading to higher levels of self-determination. Academic Skills Business English, business math, literacy and improved reading skills, rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation and writing. Business Skills Customer service, fundamental computer skills, time management techniques, organization, decision making, goal setting and critical thinking. Career Exploration Career aptitude assessments, job search procedures, resume creation and interview skills. Soft Skills Professionalism in the workplace, interpersonal skills, communication, workplace civility, work habits, teamwork, business etiquette and appropriate attire. Upon completion of the courses, students will earn a Continuing Education Skills Award. This award will help students become more marketable in the workforce, helping them secure employment. Get started today by completing the Project Aspire interest form. To learn more, email or call 972-860-4325. Project Aspire is funded by the Perkins Equitable Access and Opportunity Grant.