Page Content Dallas College Online offers a variety of online classes, career training programs and 100% online degrees and certificates. What We Offer Online From your desktop to your smartphone — and everything in between — Dallas College offers convenience and flexibility for today’s busy student. Online Degrees and Certificates for College Credit Interested in earning your college degree or certificate completely online? We offer dozens of associate degrees or credit certificates 100% online. Individual Online Courses A variety of online classes, including courses leading to degrees, certificates and transfer opportunities. Career Training We offer a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely online to advance your skills and knowledge as a lifelong learner. Dallas College offers a wide variety of programs fully online, providing pathways for students to learn new skills and earn bachelor's degrees, associate degrees and certificates. Get Started With Online Learning 100% Online Programs and Courses The following degrees, certificates and awards are offered 100% online. Filter by SchoolAll SchoolsBusiness, Hospitality and Global TradeCreative Arts, Entertainment and DesignEducationEngineering, Technology, Mathematics and SciencesHealth SciencesLaw and Public ServiceManufacturing and Industrial Technology Filter by Award TypeAll AwardsDegrees onlyCertificates onlyCourses onlySearch Programs, Degrees or Certificates Sorry, there are no matching programs or awards found.AccountingSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:DEGREEAccounting A.A.SCERTIFICATEAccounting Assistant CertificateCERTIFICATEAccounting Clerk CertificateCERTIFICATEAdvanced Technical Certificate in Professional Accountancy Associate of Arts in Teaching DegreesSchool of EducationLocations:DEGREEAssociate of Arts in Teaching Degree 4-8 (Generalist), EC-12 Special EducationDEGREEAssociate of Arts in Teaching Degree--EC-6DEGREEAssociate of Arts in Teaching Degree--Leading to Initial Texas Teacher Certification in Foreign Language, EC-12DEGREEAssociate of Arts in Teaching Degree--Leading to Initial Texas Teacher Certification in Mathematics, 8-12 Biology/EcologySchool of Health SciencesLocations:COURSEBIOL 1406 - Biology for Science Majors ICOURSEBIOL 1407 - Biology for Science Majors IICOURSEBIOL 2401 - Anatomy and Physiology ICOURSEBIOL 2402 - Anatomy and Physiology II Blockchain Web3School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and SciencesLocations:CERTIFICATEBlockchain and Web3 Business and ManagementSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:DEGREEBusiness Administration A.A.S.CERTIFICATEBusiness Operations Generalist CertificateCERTIFICATEBusiness Operations Specialist Certificate Business TechnologySchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATEAdministrative Specialist CertificateCERTIFICATEBusiness Office Specialist CertificateDEGREEExecutive Assistant A.A.S.CERTIFICATESoftware Application Specialist Certificate ChemistrySchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and SciencesLocations:COURSECHEM 1411 - General Chemistry ICOURSECHEM 1412 - General Chemistry II Child Development/Early Childhood EducationSchool of EducationLocations:CERTIFICATEAdministrative Certificate Commercial MusicSchool of Creative Arts, Entertainment and DesignLocations:CERTIFICATESongwriter Certificate Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)School of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLocations:CERTIFICATEAdvanced Mechanical Drafting CertificateCERTIFICATEMechanical Drafting Certificate Computer Information TechnologySchool of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and SciencesLocations:CERTIFICATEC++ Developer CertificateCERTIFICATEDBA CertificateCERTIFICATEHelp Desk/User Support Technician CertificateCERTIFICATEJava Developer CertificateCERTIFICATENetworking Associate CertificateCERTIFICATENetworking Support CertificateCERTIFICATENetworking Virtualization Skills Achievement AwardCERTIFICATEPython Developer CertificateCERTIFICATEWeb Developer CertificateCERTIFICATEWeb Development Certificate Conflict ManagementSchool of Law and Public ServiceLocations:CERTIFICATEConflict Management Basic Mediator Certificate Criminal JusticeSchool of Law and Public ServiceLocations:CERTIFICATEBasic Criminal Justice Studies CertificateDEGREECriminal Justice and Public Safety A.A.S.CERTIFICATECriminal Justice Management Certificate Field of Study DegreesLocations:DEGREETexas Direct - Associate of Arts Degree with a Field of Study in Business Administration and ManagementDEGREETexas Direct - Associate of Arts Degree with a Field of Study in Criminal JusticeDEGREETexas Direct - Associate of Arts Degree with a Field of Study in Political ScienceDEGREETexas Direct - Associate of Arts Degree with a Field of Study in PsychologyDEGREETexas Direct - Associate of Arts Degree with a Field of Study in Sociology Health Information TechnologySchool of Health SciencesLocations:CERTIFICATEHealth Information Technology Medical Coder Certificate Human Resources ManagementSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATEHuman Resources Assistant CertificateCERTIFICATEHuman Resources Associate CertificateDEGREEHuman Resources Management A.A.S. InsuranceSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATECustomer Service Representative Certificate International Business and TradeSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATEGlobal Trade Specialist CertificateDEGREEInternational Business and Trade A.A.S.CERTIFICATEInternational Business and Trade CertificateCERTIFICATEInternational Business and Trade Skills Achievement Award Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementSchool of Manufacturing and Industrial TechnologyLocations:DEGREELogistics and Supply Chain Management A.A.S.CERTIFICATELogistics Distribution Technician CertificateCERTIFICATELogistics Distribution Technician Occupational Skills Award ManagementSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATELeadership Occupational Skills AwardDEGREEManagement A.A.S.CERTIFICATEManagement CertificateCERTIFICATERetail Management CertificateCERTIFICATESupervisor Certificate MarketingSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:CERTIFICATEDigital Media Marketing Specialist CertificateCERTIFICATESales and Marketing Professional Certificate NursingSchool of Health SciencesLocations:DEGREERegistered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing PsychologySchool of Law and Public ServiceLocations:COURSEPSYC 2301 - General PsychologyCOURSEPSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & Development Real EstateSchool of Business, Hospitality and Global TradeLocations:DEGREEReal Estate A.A.S.CERTIFICATEReal Estate Certificate SociologySchool of Law and Public ServiceLocations:COURSESOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology Veterinary TechnologySchool of Health SciencesLocations:CERTIFICATEVeterinary Assisting CertificateDEGREEVeterinary Technology A.A.S. 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