

Photo of Gemmy S. Allen

Gemmy S. Allen

Co-Coordinator and Faculty, Business and Management Programs
Photo of Michael Bisceglia

Michael Bisceglia

Retail Management Faculty
Photo of Lea Davis

Lea Davis

Coordinator and Faculty, Business and Management Programs
No photo of Alex Diaz is available

Alex Diaz

Coordinator and Faculty, Business and Management Programs
No photo of Sarah Felmet is available

Sarah Felmet

Photo of Charles Fernandez

Charles Fernandez

Faculty, Bus​iness Administration and Management Programs
Photo of Gilbert Guzman

Gilbert Guzman

Retail Management Faculty
Photo of Annie Hall

Annie Hall

Faculty, Business and Management Programs
Photo of Robert

Robert "Chip" Izard

Program Coordinator and Faculty
Photo of Jerrel J. Jones

Jerrel J. Jones

Instructor, Business Administration
Photo of Montelle Lewis

Montelle Lewis

Retail Management Faculty
Photo of Emilio M.D. López, Jr.

Emilio M.D. López, Jr.

Coordinator and Faculty, Business and Management Programs
Photo of Diane Minger

Diane Minger

Coordinator and Faculty, Business Management and Marketing Programs
Photo of Linda Morable

Linda Morable

Photo of Timica Patterson

Timica Patterson

Instructional Specialist​, Business, Management and Marketing Pro​grams
Photo of Ronald Schmidt

Ronald Schmidt

Program Coordinator and Faculty, Business and Management Programs
Photo of Sean Shepard

Sean Shepard

Retail Management Faculty
Photo of Darrell Thompson

Darrell Thompson

Faculty, Business and Management Prog​rams
Photo of Kevin Wortley

Kevin Wortley

Interim Executive Dean, ​Faculty