Prior Learning Assessment Workshop for Business and Management

Earn college credit for what you’ve learned outside the traditional classroom.

Dallas College’s Prior Learning Workshop can help you earn college credit for knowledge you’ve gained on the job. If you have work experience in business and management, you can earn your associate degree faster by using your professional skills to get closer to graduation.

Start your opportunity to describe and document knowledge gained outside the classroom and to equate it to a Dallas College academic course.

Email our team at to get started.

Watch an Overview

Video: Prior Learning Assessment: Get Credit for What You Know


Did you know that you can get college credit for things that you've learned as part of your job?

You can, and the Prior Learning Assessment team at Dallas College is here to help!

Throughout the semester, students work online with our faculty to create a portfolio of their on-the-job learning, and college credits are awarded based off an assessment of their work.

Students who are awarded college credit for prior learning get closer to a degree faster because they don't have to attend and study for classes and subjects they've already mastered.

By using prior learning assessment, students can save over $1100 in tuition and fees and earn up to 15 credit hours in a single semester.

There are no textbooks required and all materials are provided online.

To find out more and determine your eligibility check out

Why You Should Sign Up for This Workshop?

  • Save time! Earn your degree faster.
  • Save money! Get up to 15 hours of college credit — that’s $1,185 of savings for a Dallas County resident.
  • Set yourself up for success! Research shows that adult students who receive college credit for work experience are more likely to complete their degree.

How the Prior Learning Workshop Works

This is an online workshop with six milestones and ongoing feedback from dedicated faculty. In this workshop, learn how to earn up to 15 credit hours. That’s a full semester of credit classes!

You won’t be alone — a content-expert faculty member will guide you through completing a learning narrative demonstrating your business knowledge and skill.

Qualifying Business Classes

Based on your specific work experiences, you could receive up to 15 credit hours from the following classes in Dallas College’s Business and Management program:


Student Interview: Tiffany Gardner

Tiffany Gard​ner

Dallas College Student

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I actually received an email from Dallas College. They were promoting the PLA program. I immediately applied for it and I was enrolled within the next week. I've been running a business for about 20 years in the past.

I actually created all the new patient paperwork for my current office. I set up the policies and procedure manuals, the payroll, I did all kinds of stuff.

So what I did is I actually took my experience and created these essays. You would just basically write about a 150 words about your concrete experience, your generalization of that experience, and then the theories of the experience. And then the last part is how you would take that experience and apply it and future settings. I'm already familiar with its material. And it's just kinda reaffirming what I've kinda already learned and I'm getting good grades because of it. Thankfully.

I'm working on the associates for Business Administration. If this course were not available to me, I would have had to take a full semester of those courses. I'm actually going to be able to get my degree early because of this course. It's going to make the time go by a little bit faster so I can start working on the next thing, which is, my business.

I want to get my bachelor's and my master's. So I'm really working towards that within the next ten years. I think it affects my daughter in a way that it makes her see that education is really important. It makes me feel very proud and I've worked really hard all my life and to be able to have this opportunity and have her see me. You know, it's just been it's been a blessing. It's a great opportunity to reflect on your own work history that you have and being able to apply it, you already have the knowledge.

Just feel confident that you can do it. Anybody can do this if they really, really put their mind to it.

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