Auto Body Technology

Do you love working on and fixing cars? Would you like to learn more about modifying and painting your dream car? Learn how to repair, rebuild and refinish cars damaged in collisions, whether it's for work or hobby. There’s room for both the career auto body technician and the serious car enthusiast in the Auto Body Technology program.

Are you interested in a career in auto body technology?


You'll learn about:

  • Body shop tools, equipment and materials
  • Frame alignment, glass replacement and expert paint jobs
  • Removing dents from fenders and body panels
  • Welding torn metal
  • Bookkeeping for an auto body shop and estimating damages
While I was at Cedar Valley, I got an internship at a recording studio, so I worked part-time while I went to school. I use those recording skills every day now. I record my own music and CDs, so all that experience has paid off.” Read Miguel's story.
Photo of Miguel Antonio
Miguel Antonio
Performing musician, Spanish classical and flamenco guitar