Teacher Assistant Preparation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​T​eachers have a lot on their plates. To ensure each and every child is getting the at​tention he or she needs, many teachers have assistants to help out in the classroom. If you're interested in being there to support children as they grow and learn, earning your teacher assistant certificate can be the beginning of a successful career in education. 

As a teacher assistant, you'll provide extra support, attention, and instruction to young students in a public or private school, childcare center, or religious organization setting. Many positions are part-time during the school year, but the U.S. Department of Labor predicts a healthy 8% growth in the job market for teacher assistants by 2026. As a teacher's assistant, you'll be providing support for classroom teachers in preschool or K-12 education. This support includes instruction, record-keeping, supervising students and sometimes planning lessons.

While some teacher's assistants work primarily in a classroom setting, others may work in specific areas of a school, such as computer labs or the library.

Teacher's assistants typically have certain qualities that make them effective in their jobs. These include:

  • Flexibility while they assist the teacher in their duties
  • Dependability, as teachers will rely on them time and time again
  • Communication skill, as they interact with the teacher and students throughout the day
  • A love for learning and children

For more information about registering for the teacher assistant preparation program please contact AskSOE@DallasCollege.edu.

Teaching Assistant Preparation (CE Operational Skills Award)

Courses Required:

  • EDTC 1017 - Guiding Student Behavior
  • EDTC 1011​ - Instructional Practices and Effective Learning Environments

​​​​​​​Important: Check the CE schedule​ to verify if and when the class is currently being offered.

How To Search​:

  • ​View the CE schedule.​​
  • Select the semester you wish to register for.
  • Select the prefix of your desired course (example: HRPO).
  • Results for the course numbers, sections and times will be displayed for that semester.​​

Need Help? Submit a ​Career Connected Learning Interest Form


HB 1508 Notice

This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible. 

For more information please visit dallascollege.edu/hb1508.


Looking to earn more? A career as a teacher assistant can start you on the path to a great career in education.