AutoCAD Specialist

​Get started in the exciting world of computer aided design (CAD).

The AutoCAD program consists of introductory, intermediate, and advanced level courses for design and drafting using AutoCAD.

AutoCAD is part of the Autodesk suite and is used to create 2D & 3D drawings.

Skills in computer aided design (CAD) lead to many career paths such as architecture, machining, construction, engineering, facilities management, landscape design, interior design, and multimedia.


AutoCAD Specialist (CE Skills Award)

Courses Required:

  • DFTG 1014 - Introduction to Computer Assisted Drafting & Design
  • DFTG 2004 - Computer Assisted Drafting & Design II
  • DFTG 2046 - Advanced Computer Assisted Drafting & Design

​​​​​​​Important: Check the CE schedule​ to verify if and when the class is currently being offered.

How To Search​:

  • ​View the CE schedule.​​
  • Select the semester you wish to register for.
  • Select the prefix of your desired course (example: HRPO).
  • Results for the course numbers, sections and times will be displayed for that semester.​​

Need Help? Submit a ​Career Connected Learning Interest Form



Looking to earn more? Training in computer aided design can start you on the path to a great career in manufacturing.