Medical Billing

​​​Medical billing specialists are crucial to the success of the health care industry in health information management. You can enter that world as a medical billing specialist.

As a medical billing specialist, you will review and process medical claims to make sure insurance companies properly reimburse doctors and hospitals. You will maintain detailed health care records using a formal coding system.

To do the job correctly, you will need to understand terminology for filing and appealing claims.

This program will prepare you for all those responsibilities by improving your computer and typing skills, your attention to detail and your organizational skills. It will also get you ready to find work in multiple areas, including hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, nursing homes and medical labs.

Medical Billing (CE Skills Award)

Courses Required:

  • MDCA 1013 - Medical Terminology
  • MDCA 1009 - Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistant
  • MDCA 1005 - Medical Law and Ethics
  • HITT 1013 - Coding and Insurance
  • HITT 1041 - Coding and Classification System

​​​​​​​Important: Check the CE schedule​ to verify if and when the class is currently being offered.

How To Search​:

  • ​View the CE schedule.​​
  • Select the semester you wish to register for.
  • Select the prefix of your desired course (example: HRPO).
  • Results for the course numbers, sections and times will be displayed for that semester.​​

Need Help? Submit a ​Career Connected Learning Interest Form


HB 1508 Notice

This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible. 

For more information please visit


Looking to earn more? A career in medical billing can start you on the path to a great career in health care.