Lean Training Page ContentEnroll in the Lean Training program to learn more about lean training principles.Lean training focuses on Lean production, which is a method of reducing unnecessary steps in the production process.This not only keeps up production, but it does so without sacrificing productivity.Learn the true meaning of value by minimizing steps in your business processes that have no added value.You’ll also learn how to work from your client’s perspective and thinking about what your client would be willing to pay for.When you enroll in the program, you will get all the strategies you need to eliminate wastes of both time and money, thus improving your decision-making and your problem-solving. Start Your Enrollment Workforce PartnersAutoNationBrookhaven College delivered two Lean Six Sigma courses to more than 50 AutoNation service center supervisors in 2013-2014, providing knowledge and skills to improve processes and management of project teams. The process included 8D (for its eight disciplines) problem-solving methodologies using trainees’ processes, problems and data as classroom examples to put theory into practice. Zale CorporationNorth Lake College provided training for 93 Zale employees, with additional grant partners Sprint and Product Support Services, Inc., for a total of 9,841 hours of training to 281 individuals, including 41 new hires. Find out more about Continuing Education partners.