
​​​W​ork in the growing field of photography with training through continuing education.

Photography skills are used not only in traditional studio and entertainment industry settings but in a wide range of careers to market products. Dallas College offers a variety of courses that may include basic photography, electronic media, news photography, audio and video production, architectural and fashion photography, photojournalism and digital imaging.

You may be able to request a seat as a continuing education student in a credit class. Please talk to a student success coach to see if this is possible for the course you are interested in. ​

Photography (CE Skills Award)

Courses Required:

  • PHTC 1004 - Introductory Professional Photography
  • PHTC 2004 - Intermediate Professional Photography

​​​​​​​Important: Check the CE schedule​ to verify if and when the class is currently being offered.

How To Search​:

  • ​View the CE schedule.​​
  • Select the semester you wish to register for.
  • Select the prefix of your desired course (example: HRPO).
  • Results for the course numbers, sections and times will be displayed for that semester.​​

Need Help? Submit a ​Career Connected Learning Interest Form



Looking to earn more? An interest in photography can start you on the path to a great career in design.