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You may request a FREE copy of your official transcript in person only. Transcript will only be released if your record with Dallas College has no holds.
Requesting your transcript online:
You may request a free copy of your official CE/WT transcript online by doing the following:
Go to eConnect.
- Select the Continuing Education/Workforce Training student menu.
Log In to see all your menu options. Note: You will need your seven digit Student ID# and Password to log in.
- Select "My Personal Information."
- Select "Request My Transcript."
- Follow the prompts to complete your request.
Since your transcript is a listing of all CE/WT courses taken within the colleges of DCCCD, it is not necessary to submit a request for transcript to each college that you attended. Requesting a transcript online requires a login. If you do not have an eConnect user account, please use another method to submit your request.
Requesting Your Transcript in Person
You may request your transcript in person at the Admissions office at any Dallas College campuses. If you are requesting the transcript be sent to an institution and/or person, have that address information with you. If you are requesting a copy that you will pick up, you must have a picture ID at the time of pick-up.
Note: Your transcript will show a listing of all CE/WT courses taken within Dallas College. Your courses can also be viewed on
“My Advising Report” in eConnect (log in required). An option to print out the advising report is listed on the bottom of the page. You may print for your record, please note, an advising report is a not an official transcript.
Any questions please reach out to the Admissions office via phone.