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Continuing Education/Workforce Training provides unique educational opportunities to stimulate the mind, promote professional advancement and encourage the pursuit of personal interests.
Why Choose Continuing Education Courses?
These courses increase your knowledge and skills — either to help you on the job or for your personal enrichment. You will not earn “traditional” credits toward a degree, although you may earn Continuing Education Units or CEUs (which will appear on a transcript). Some courses may last only a couple of hours; others may meet over several weeks. Some courses are available online.
Why Take Credit Courses?
In these classes, you will take tests and earn grades that will go on your college transcript. When you complete a class successfully, you will have college credits that may be applied toward a certificate or a degree. Many students take credit classes here before transferring to a four-year university to complete their education. Courses may meet for as many as 16 weeks or for a couple of days. Some classes may also be taken online.
What Is Concurrent Enrollment?
Many credit courses are available on a noncredit basis through continuing education enrollment. These concurrent classes are allotted a limited number of spaces, and students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Concurrent enrollment students earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) rather than college credit for attending class. For additional information regarding converting CEUs to credit, contact your Success Coach.