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The Business Continuity Office has a primary mission ensuring that Dallas College is prepared before, responds during, and recovers after a business interruption. To accomplish this purpose, the office utilizes the Professional Practices of Business Continuity Management as the framework for operation.
This framework includes conducting a risk assessment of the organization. To accomplish this goal the Business Continuity Office conducted a college-wide risk assessment, in which all employees were given the opportunity to inform the office of current or potential risks. This was accomplished via a survey instrument.
Data obtained from the survey was sorted by campus and analyzed to determine the impact the risk would have, if realized. Impacts were assigned a weight and the top three impacts were added together to quantify the results.
The impact results were plotted against the likelihood rating (as determined by the respondent) to develop a two-variable matrix of consequences and likelihood. This matrix allowed the risks to be sorted into categories of low, medium, high, and extreme.