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Our South Dallas Training Center offers short-term training programs designed to prepare you for a career.
Training is developed by identifying employer needs and labor trends to give you a more competitive edge in today’s workforce. If you meet eligibility requirements, there is no cost to you. Grant funding covers the cost of tuition, books, and any materials needed for training. Additional resources are available to help you stay on track and complete the program successfully. Receive assistance with finding employment as you complete your training.
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Combined, [trade, transportation, and warehousing] make up the 2nd largest sector in the DFW area, employing 409,524 residents as of 2018. Source: JobsEQ 2018, Q1. Training focuses on preparing for the Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) assessments through Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) giving you the opportunity to earn full certification. These credentials can help you enter an industry with a great potential for growth.
Classes: Forklift Operator Certification, Certified Logistics Associate (CLA), Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)
The world could always use more skilled technicians for designing, programming, servicing and repairing. Join that growing list by enrolling in Dallas College’s Mechatronics program.
Mechatronics combines the skills of those who work in two different fields: mechanics and electronics. Why? Because advanced manufacturing jobs may require external design of products, the electronic circuits on the inside of a product or the automated equipment that assembles a product.
Thus, they need people who can specialize in both fields.
ESL (English as a Second Language) and HSE/GED
Dallas College’s adult education program provides free skills training to build skills in English language speaking and comprehension, reading, writing, math, science and social studies — everything needed to earn a GED and to land a better job. WorkReadyU also offers free job prep training for in-demand jobs in logistics, mechatronics, and more.
Training is developed by identifying employer needs and labor trends to give you a more competitive edge in today’s workforce. If you meet eligibility requirements, there is no cost to you. Grant funding covers the cost of tuition, books, and any materials needed for training. Additional resources are available to help you stay on track and complete the program successfully. Receive assistance with finding employment as you complete your training.
Don’t see something you like? Check back often. Programs are subject to change since we follow career trends to offer in-demand training.
Funding is available due to the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Adult Education & Literacy Act (AEL) and is locally distributed by Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas. Due to the partnership between Dallas College and the Innercity Community Development Corporation (ICDC), we are able to bring these training programs to the South Dallas Fair Park area.
South Dallas Training Center
4915 Brashear St., Dallas, TX 75210