Property Taxes Page ContentDallas College has legislative authority to assess and collect ad valorem taxes on the value of properties within its district. The tax rate is composed of two elements, which become the total rate charged to the taxpayers of Dallas County: Maintenance and Operations (M&O) — The M&O rate is set by the Dallas College Board of Trustees to fund current operating expenses of the college based on the approved budget. Interest and Sinking (I&S) — The I&S rate is determined by the annual debt service amount on voter-approved bonds and approved by the Dallas College Board of Trustees.The Dallas Central Appraisal District provides the valuation for properties within the college's taxing district. Dallas College offers several favorable exemptions that reduce the amount of taxes for a homeowner. Homeowners can apply for one or more exemptions with the appraisal district using the appropriate form.The Dallas County Tax Office calculates the tax bills and collects property taxes on behalf of Dallas College.Public Hearing on Tax Increase Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase Adopting a Budget 2024 Notice: Public Hearing on Adopting a Budget Notice of Estimated Taxes Notice of Estimated Taxes Certification of Appraisal Roll Certification of Levy Tax Rate History Top Ten Taxpayers Tax Code Section 26.18