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Dallas College has and will continue to steward the taxpayers’ investment in higher education efficiently and with great care. Each time the college has been rated since 2004, the its excellent fiscal management practices resulted in
AAA ratings on General Obligation Bonds and
AA ratings on Revenue Bonds from:
Fitch Ratings
Moody's Investors Service
Standard & Poor's Inc.
Standard & Poor
View the college's
current outstanding bonds, balances and bond descriptions.
In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12, the college is required to provide updated financial information pertaining to the General Obligation Bonds.\
In accordance with the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule, the college is providing an
Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Certificate.
Contact Information
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Tiska Thomas, Chief Financial Officer, at 972-860-7710 or
Dallas College is committed to ensuring accessibility of its digital technology and is actively working to increase the accessibility of this webpage and electronic documents. Should you experience any difficulty in accessing information on this webpage, please contact Diana Wilder at 972-860-7710 or